Implement this class to provide collision filtering. In other words, you can implement
this class if you want finer control over contact creation.
public function RayCollide(userData:*, shape:b2Shape):Boolean
Return true if the given shape should be considered for ray intersection.
By default, userData is cast as a b2Shape and collision is resolved according to ShouldCollide
| userData:* — arbitrary data passed from Raycast or RaycastOne
| shape:b2Shape — the shape that we are testing for filtering
| Boolean — a Boolean, with a value of false indicating that this shape should be ignored.
See also
public function ShouldCollide(shape1:b2Shape, shape2:b2Shape):Boolean
Return true if contact calculations should be performed between these two shapes.
Warning: for performance reasons this is only called when the AABBs begin to overlap.
Box2DFlashAS3 r42.